Why 2016 Would Be An Uphill Battle For George Pataki
Two area experts examine the former governor’s chances and challenges regarding a 2016 run.

“The other candidates would have a field day taking shots at him,” said Dr. Daniel McCarthy, chair of the Division of Social Sciences at The College of New Rochelle. McCarthy said that Pataki could possibly vie for a cabinet position or for the vice presidency, but doesn’t have the political clout of other potential nominees for a presidential bid.
“Take [New Jersey Governor Chris] Christie for instance, he’s a much more charismatic guy, and conservatives like his put-downs and his shut-downs of liberal opponents,” McCarthy said. “Pataki is a much more bland character, which helped in the sense that no one really hated him, but no one really loved him either.”
Despite an abundance of speculation, it is far too early to tell what either party’s ticket will look like. According to Abrams, “I think with both parties, it’s wide open. It’s not clear who the nominee will be, and not clear that there’s a star that’s rising.”
​“Whoever the candidate is, what really matters is how well the economy does,” said McCarthy. “If it continues the way it does, then a Democrat will win; if it takes a nosedive, then a Republican will be in better shape.”
Watch coverage of Pataki's potential 2016 run from PIX11 below.