Lois Colley, a prominent Westchester socialite and wife of a millionaire McDonald’s franchise owner was found dead in her home in North Salem Monday. Police believe she was murdered.
Colley, 83, was found by a housekeeper in the laundry room in her 300-acre estate on Titicus Road in North Salem. Police say she was killed by blunt-force trauma to the head. The caretaker is not a suspect. Nothing was taken from the home, except for a small fire extinguisher. Police said they found no sign of forced entry to the home.
Police said Tuesday no one is in custody and they have no suspects or possible motives, The New York Times reports. New York State Police Lieutenant Paul DeQuarto called the crime “shocking and disturbing” in a news conference.
Colley is married to Eugene Colley, 88, who made millions through ownership of more than 100 McDonald’s franchises. “They’ve been part of the North Salem community for a long time. They’re a very close family,” North Salem town historian Susan Thompson told The Journal News.
The Colley family made headlines in 2003, when Lois’ son Bruce, 62, allegedly had an affair with Kerry Kennedy shortly before her marriage with Gov. Andrew Cuomo ended.
The Journal News reports that this is the first murder in North Salem in four years. The last occurred when Epifanio Medina, a marijuana dealer, was abducted in Passaic, NJ, driven to the woods, and beaten to death.
The investigation is ongoing. Police are asking that anyone with information call investigators at 914-277-3177 or the police 24-hour line at 914-769-2600.