Four bakers — Anne Mayhew of LMNOP Bakery in Katonah, sisters Kathryn and Jennifer Geyer of Temima’s Bakery in Pound Ridge, and Martin Wilson of The Baker’s Wife in Pawling — are making breads that will tempt even those that have sworn off carbs. All are passionately committed to local and simple ingredients, baking additive-free loaves out of their homes, with either commercial or home-processing licenses.
LMNOP Bakery, Katonah
Mayhew began baking her breads for family and friends when she moved to Katonah in 2015, and built a bread oven in her backyard. She learned by reading books, then “I dropped the crutch and began tailoring and crafting my own loaves.” The recipients of her delicious loaves told her she should start selling them. “I’ve grown from selling eight loaves a week to 80.”
Temima’s Bakery, Pound Ridge
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Temima’s head baker, Kathryn, began baking when she took a semester off from college and worked her way through Baking with Julia. She went from one family business (working at her father’s consulting company) to another by starting Temima with her sister. Sprouted seed is their bread’s claim to fame. “The grains unlock lots of nutrients,” Kathryn says. And Jennifer notes that customers “like that we can talk knowledgeably about our ingredients.” They, along with Mayhew, note that their breads are less likely to cause digestive issues for those with gluten intolerance.
The Baker’s Wife, Pawling
Wilson of The Baker’s Wife embarked on a second career as a bread baker after leaving the corporate world. He enrolled in culinary school and then obtained an internship at Blue Hill at Stone Barns. “I was blessed to get that foundation of knowledge,” Wilson says. He has a mill on his property where he mills whole wheat and his goal is to have his breads contain 100% Hudson Valley wheat in the future.