Whether you’re an anxious mom-to-be, a parent of twin tweens, or a pro caring for five, there’s a Westchester-based “mommy blog” that will get you thinking, crying, and laughing (sometimes all at once). Here’s to breakfast in bed and a little extra time to read come the second Sunday of this month.
Dagmar’s Home
Katonah’s Dagmar Bleasdale, a social-media consultant and writer/editor by day, shares her journey of raising her 7-year-old son in a “loving, compassionate way.” In addition to info on attachment parenting (extended breastfeeding, bedsharing, and natural childbirth), check in for tips on frugal, eco-friendly living; DIY decorating how-tos; and vintage-y crafting.
Donuts, Dresses, and Dirt
Check out landscape designer, Brooklyn transplant, and remarried mom of three (ages 4, 17, and 22) Sheri Silver’s Irvington-based blog on living a “well-tended life…at any age,” a compilation of often touchingly personal posts on life transitions, as well as great finds in New York City, favorite things (like multi-purpose ginger syrup), and gardening tips for non-green thumbs.
Wee Westchester
Three mothers with professional writing, advertising, and PR backgrounds author and curate this go-to source, including a comprehensive calendar of countywide, family-oriented events, such as farm tours and story times; easily accessible outing, birthday party, and craft ideas; child-friendly restaurant listings; and a breadth of parenting advice tailored to local moms. Plus, they’re on the pulse of cool-mom boutiques, fitness trends, fashion finds, and openings in town.
Organic farmer and biologist mama Marcie Cuff of Irvington delivers “the dirt on raising healthy kids,” focusing on “slowing down, simplifying…getting dirty…mudpies…and all things handmade.” Find novice-friendly tutorials on making candied citrus peels and felted wool finger puppets; expert gardening advice; and suggestions for connecting to the outdoors, and each other.
Cuddles and Chaos
Don’t expect any sugar-coating as Jen Garry of Cortlandt Manor chronicles the hilarious (in retrospect) ups and downs of motherhood, and shares parenting-crisis solutions—like how to get permanent marker off the wall—on this “judgment-free zone” of a site. Get a father’s perspective in guest posts by Garry’s “Bad Dad” husband on Valentine’s Day and how to avoid a Halloween nightmare.