When hibernating, relax with lulling sounds
Enjoy lazy comfort with destressing calm decibels to ease you to sleep. The Big Red Rooster Sound Machine emits any of a half-dozen continuous nature-inspired sounds: summer night, rain, brook, ocean, thunder, or white noise. Blocking out aural annoyances, this compact unit is perfect for taking on the road, to let you sleep like a baby when traveling. Available from Bed Bath & Beyond, $24.99
Compact wristwear can heat or cool you
No control over that workplace thermostat? Feel warmer or colder in minutes with this smart-watch-sized personal temperature regulator. Embr Wave Bracelet, a product of MIT materials scientists and a Kickstarter campaign, applies stimulation to nerves on the wrist, activating a rise or fall in temp sensation throughout your body. Use as needed; lasts one week at a time on a single battery charge. Available at www.embrlabs.com, $299
Pedal your way to desk-bound fitness
Sitting at a workstation all day shouldn’t mean giving up fat-burning, muscle-toning activity. LifeSpan’s Unity Bike Desk attaches a smooth, slim-profile, gym-grade stationary bike to a sturdy large-area desk surface. Unlike add-on desk-pedal devices, its seat stays comfortable, while integrated design keeps everything stable. Available from lifespanfitness.com, $499
The Mirror brings home personal training
What looks like a regular mirror is actually an interactive home gym: Flip a switch on The Mirror’s silvery slab to view its vertical HD color screen and get live-streaming instructors leading interactive fitness classes (everything from barre and boxing to strength training and yoga) or on-demand library sessions suited to your ability. Turn it off, and appreciate results on the mirrored surface. Available at www.mirror.co, $1,495, plus $39 per month for classes