Swap Bad Fats for Good Fats

When is it alright to have a little fat in your diet?

First, ditch trans fats (or anything that lists “partially hydrogenated oils” as an ingredient) completely.

Then, add good fats, which are usually monounsaturated and sometimes polyunsaturated and can be found in nuts, nut butters, olive oil, and avocado, among other foods. These “are great for your health and they protect against heart disease,” says Harrison-based nutritionist Ilyse Schapiro. In fact, eating good fats can spur weight loss, since they are satiating and “can prevent overeating.” But don’t go overboard. “Good fats are great,” says Schapiro, “but they do still have calories.” 


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Kill Your Sweet Tooth

It’s simple — the more sugar you eat, the more you crave, says Schapiro, who’s helped countless clients quell their sugar cravings. Here’s how to kill yours.

Get started: Remove sugary treats, one at a time, until you are eating only 150 sugary calories per day. Stock up on a few treats in this 150-calorie range, like Yasso Greek yogurt bars or chocolate-dipped fruit. Knowing you get a treat at the end of the day goes a long way.

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