Snack Before You Hit the Sack

Ease your insomnia with these late-night snack recipes.

Next time you can’t sleep, skip the sheep and grab a handful of nuts and cherries. You’ll get your fill of melatonin, calcium, tryptophan, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids, says Jacqui Justice, MS, CNS, a functional nutritionist with a practice in Harrison and Eastchester. Snack on this an hour before bed, and you’ll fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.

Twilight Trail Mix:
2 chopped walnuts + 1/4 cup chopped dried tart cherries

Nutty Banana:
1/2 banana + 1 TBSP almond butter + 2 walnuts

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Sleepy Juice: 
1/2 cup of Tart Cherry Juice (twice daily, mid-afternoon and 1 hour before bed)

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