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The New Nimble: Leading in the Age of Change
By Jay Sullivan
Wiley (2023)
224 pages (hardcover, audiobook, Kindle, audio CD)
Find it on: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Pleasantville author Jay Sullivan teaches readers how to radically change the ways in which they approach flexibility and creativity in this concise book that applies to both business and life. Sullivan reveals the trends and behaviors that have helped organizations succeed by interviewing a host of accomplished leaders from a variety of sectors. Through three sections focused on understanding yourself, asking the right questions, and being bold, Sullivan explains how to tackle the tsunami of complexities that have arrived in recent years, including racial injustice, the pandemic, and political upheaval.
The Joy of Connections
By Dr. Ruth Westheimer with Allison Gilbert
Roadale Books (2024)
160 pages (hardcover, audiobook, Kindle)
Find it on: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Have you ever felt loneliness creeping in? It’s a problem for countless people, even those with loving spouses and stable families. Just months before her passing, the late, world-renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer teamed up with co-author and longtime friend Allison Gilbert of Irvington to write a book squarely aimed at tackling the current epidemic of loneliness. Westheimer’s book, which she completed, teaches readers how to forge meaningful bonds in the often-hectic modern world, delving into 100 ways in which individuals can make lasting connections through family, friends, community, technology, and self-reflection.
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