Thursday was a very good day for New Rochelle native and former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice. Not only did a judge dismiss all of the domestic violence charges leveled against Rice after he was recorded punching his then-fiancée (now wife) Janay Rice unconscious in an Atlantic City hotel elevator, but now that the legal proceedings are basically done, we know his final fine for the whole ordeal.
It’s $125.
If that amount seems absurdly low for somebody who felled a woman with a potentially fatal blow, it’s because Rice was entered into a “pretrial intervention” program. Under that program, Rice took anger management classes in addition to paying the fine. New Jersey Judge Michael Donio found that Rice complied with all the steps in the program, and dismissed the domestic violence charges.
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According to The Associated Press, New Jersey typically recommends that applicants to the program “generally be rejected” if they are suspected of committing violent crimes. On top of that, going by the AP’s numbers, of the more than 15,000 cases that asked the New Jersey Supreme Court for admission to the pretrial program between 2010 and 2013, only 70 were accepted.
So with the domestic violence charges against him dropped, and his once-indefinite suspension from the NFL overturned, Ray Rice is officially a free agent again—only $125 poorer for brutally assaulting a woman half his size.
The only question left is whether any team is going to want him, and how this punishment could possibly be deemed fit to his actions.