Santa Claus—as he appears at The Westchester, at least.
Westchester Magazine had a rare opportunity recently: the chance to conduct a one-on-one, exclusive interview with Santa Claus. So, with careful thought, we put together our own list—the questions we’ve always wanted to ask the big guy for you, our readers—and you kids, of course (We’re sure they’re all on the nice list!). We caught up with Santa, just as he was about to head off to The Westchester mall.
WESTCHESTER MAGAZINE: Welcome to Westchester! We’ve interviewed many people over the years, but perhaps none as famous as you. Now tell us, what do you like most about being Santa?
Santa Claus: All of the looks of joy I see in the children’s faces.
What do you like most about appearing at malls?
I get to see and talk with the children, both the young and old.
Is there any downside?
There’s a downside sometimes with the holidays because people are in too much of a hurry. As I always remind the elves, just enjoy the moment.
Right, it only comes around once a year…
Yes, indeed. Well, I prefer that it was around all year long.
And how do you cover all of the malls in America or do you have helpers?
It’s Santa’s magic, of course.
How do you have time to appear at malls and make toys?
I’ve been blessed with very dedicated and talented elves and they are supervised by Bernard the head elf. They do a tremendous job whether I’m there or not.
Is it true you have a naughty and nice list?
Oh, you should know it’s true. Yes, indeed.
If someone is on the naughty list, do you really give them a lump of coal?
I used to. However the cost of coal has gone up so much over the years that now I take rocks and paint them black to mimic coal…
Is there a particular toy that boys ask for most?
They mostly want LEGO pieces. For the girls, LEGO pieces is pretty close, too, but I think Barbie’s Dream House is more in demand.
Do you travel by sleigh everywhere?
Uh, no. The reindeer and sleigh only fly on test flights and Christmas Eve. The rest of the year I get around the same way you do.
Do you go back to the North Pole every night?
No, thankfully I don’t need to do that. Bernard has everything under control at the North Pole and I get to stay and focus on the good friends here at The Westchester.
Now here’s something we’ve always wanted to know: How do you get into a house that doesn’t have a chimney?
I carry a set of magical keys with me on Christmas Eve just for that situation and I’ve never had one that I hadn’t been able to get into.
Now on to pop culture. Do you have a favorite Christmas movie?
I actually have two: It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th street.
How about a Christmas song?
Well, of course. Jingle Bells.
And what about a favorite Christmas special cartoon or special?
Well, there’s several. Being as old as I am I love the Bob Hope Christmas Special from years ago and, of course, A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
What about your favorite cookie?
Chocolate Chip.
Do you eat all of them or do you take some back to the elves?
Oh, I only eat one or two while I’m putting out the gifts and then I’ll take all the rest back to the elves. They deserve a treat, too.
What type of milk do you like?
I prefer whole milk. However, Mrs. Claus would disagree and say that I should be drinking skim milk.
Will you have time to do anything else when you’re in Westchester?
Maybe some laundry, but that’s about it?
Is there anything else you wish you could do?
I would love to be able to see more of the countryside during the daylight hours because on Christmas Eve when delivering presents it’s so dark and the reindeer and I are moving at the peed of star light I don’t get to really see a lot.
Well, thank you so much for taking the time out to have this interview with us. Is there anything you would like to add?
Yes indeed. There’s a special night at The Westchester where I will meet with pets. It’s going to be December the 16 from 7 to 8.
Do you have any plans tonight?
Well the elves are running me ragged because this year they decided to dress up like each other and tried to fool me. Some of them have been very good at it.