Ossining Union Free School District’s students might be dreading the fall semester, but their educators and staffs are champing at the bit for their return. Seriously. Don’t believe us? Well, that would be ironic, given how USFD teachers and administrators filmed the below, inspirational video invoking a certain Journey jukebox classic that specifically implores its listeners to continue having faith. In what, we don’t know, but the streetlight people do.
The only certainty after watching all nine-plus minutes of this viral motivational tool—directed by Ossining High art-department firebrand Harry J. Quiroga—is that Regina really slays at air guitar. And that despite the title of another ’80s hit deployed by Quiroga and crew for maximum, nostalgic enthusiasm, Ossining’s K-12 leaders have far from forgotten about their young charges. Or at least Principal Mandel definitely hasn’t.