Tara Pomposello of NTNY The Salon
(549 N State Rd, Briarcliff Manor 914-923-1300; ntnythesalon.com) has been lengthening locks for 10 years. With extensions, 100-percent human hair is applied to your own in neat rows, strand by strand, with a hypoallergenic adhesive. You can brush it, color it, blow it out, and curl it, just like your natural hair—only thicker. There are lots of shades to choose from—both natural and technicolor—and lengths are between eight and 24 inches. One Westchester woman who is accustomed to spending up to $1,000 on extensions was thrilled when she got the same work done at NTNY for less than half the price. The salon has reached the coveted Platinum rating from Great Lengths, a major player in the hair extension biz.