Manhattanville College has a sleek new parking feature thanks to the help of White Plains-based law firm McCullough, Goldberger & Staudt. The firm secured land use approvals and worked closely with the school to develop a carport that consists of 3,600 solar panels capable of producing 1.1 megawatts of emissions-free electricity for the school.
The project, which spans several of the campus’ parking lots, allows the college to source 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. Seth M. Mandelbaum, a partner at MGS who works on alternate energy projects, spearheaded much of the work in securing permits and land use approvals. According to Mandelbaum, “this project is a great example of how relatively easy and cost-effective it is to take advantage of already developed areas, such as parking lots, that get maximum sunlight. An added bonus is that these solar canopies provide welcome shady parking spots covered from precipitation.”
Greg Palmer, vice president of Facilities and Operations at Manhattanville College, views the project as a single piece of the school’s ongoing dedication to the environment. “We’ve been engaged in the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment since 2009 and we’ve reduced carbon by nearly 50 percent in that time,” says Palmer. “With this project, along with other improved technology, such as re-lamping with LED bulbs, more efficient boilers, and energy-efficient windows, we’re confident that we can reach our goal of carbon neutrality.”
The town of Harrison originally approved Mandelbaum’s proposal in 2016 and construction on the project began in the summer of 2017. Mandelbaum noted that while similar systems sell power back to the grid, Manhattanville’s will be completely contained and only provide electricity back to the school’s dorms and classrooms.
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