Local Business Pros on How to Handle Email Overload at Work

Local business pros share their strategies.

“I try to open emails as they come in, and to always respond immediately. If I can’t, then I mark the email unread and get back to it when I have time. Another option is to read emails when I’m out of the office. This may mean I end up working longer hours; however, I can answer someone quickly, which makes for one less thing to worry about when I do get into the office.”
Cindy Flores, Facility Director
The Focus Room, Harrison


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“Triage: I delete anything I don’t want right away; I respond to anything important either as it comes in or at an interval; I leave the ‘mass’—something that can wait until the end of the day—for an end-of-the-day clean-out. Also, I try to not look at email while on the phone or in a meeting, so as not to be distracted.”
Neil Jacobs, Attorney
N.I. Jacobs & Associates, North Salem



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“I use email software that allows me to create rules, conditions, and exceptions for all mail. This way, my email is automatically organized and categorized as it comes in. I create folders for major categories, and the email automatically flows into those folders based on my pre-set rules; emails from customers, employees, and business partners get top priority. I can also designate a certain time early in the week to review emails and either flag for a follow-up with a deadline or delete.”
Shyno Chacko Pandeya, Director of Marketing, Santhigram Wellness, White Plains



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“Having an iPad is a lifesaver. Since I use public transportation to and from work, I can manage my mailbox during my commute. It makes my travel time go quickly, and, once home, I can cut the cord with work and enjoy the evening!”
Kalen Holliday, Head of Communications, Covestor, Sleepy Hollow



“I’ve set up multiple email accounts to segment my incoming emails. Each account has its place in the pecking order. Then, I’ve created specific folders for email from certain people to go into automatically, instead of the general mailbox. This way, important emails don’t get lost in the haystack with all the others.”
Kolonji Murray, Accountant/Tax Professional TaxAssurances, LLC, New Rochelle



“I check email frequently. I have it on my smartphone in addition to my computer, so I can check and respond from anywhere. And I’m proactive about unsubscribing to new solicitors and ‘opting out’ of receiving emails from groups or sites that I’m registered with.”
Marilyn Simes, CEO, Digital Instincts, Inc., Tuckahoe

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