Shortly after Jamie Imperati became pregnant with her second child, she couldn’t stop thinking about the big questions plaguing most women: Could she keep her career in sales and marketing and still give her children enough attention? Was it possible to have a work/life balance?
Sometimes her thoughts drifted to the fact that women are generally raised as nurturers; how, then, could they succeed in the same business environment with men? One solution kept popping up: more groups to help women attempt to navigate these challenges.
So, six years ago, Imperati created Professional Women of Westchester (PWW), to bring enterprising women together to network, learn new skills, and encourage one another. The organization currently has 400 members who meet 11 times a year, to share war stories and listen to experts imparting advice on things like how to master social media, marketing, or sales.
Most rewarding is when women contact Imperati to tell her they are doing business with a woman they met at a PWW event or that they got a new job from a contact they formed there. “We all have doubts when we forge a new path, but now I have an army of hundreds of women who have my back, and I have theirs,” Imperati says.