Simply requesting an invite may be the easiest route. Many people who work in the fashion industry email the public-relations firms representing designers to ask for an invitation. Some fashion websites, like and, will post the Fashion Week schedule well in advance. Find designers who are not as well-known (don’t expect to get front row at Ralph Lauren) and visit their sites to find out who handles their PR. “Your best chance to get an invite is to request a week before the show. Designers might be looking to fill seats,” says Jackie Reed, account director at Exposure Communications. Send a short email about your reasons for wanting to attend and request a ‘standing’ seat. There are many regular attendees who prefer to stand during the show, for the best view.
Another great way to be involved is to work as a ‘dresser’ backstage. After searching the Web for contact info, reach out to a few designers or PR firms and offer your services — for free. You’ll get paid with experience and have a great story to tell. You might even score an invite to the after-party.
If the above seems like too much work, you can also watch from home, as many designers post live streams of their shows. Follow your favorite designers on social media to keep up-to-date when new designs are released.