“Fruits are probably the first choice of food on a hot summer day, and they come in all shapes and colors and smell great!” says Barker.
Papayas, guavas, mini watermelons, bananas, apples, and grapes; succulents of various sizes and fresh moss.
1. Choose the fruits you like, preferably in different shapes, sizes, and textures. Kiwi and pineapple are great options in addition to those listed here.
2. Choose a bowl. Add a plate in the bottom to make it shallower if need be. You don’t have to fill the entire bowl with fruits and succulents; you can fake it a bit.
3. Add fruits from largest to smallest.
4. Remove succulents from their pots. Wash off the dirt and place them at angles where they can be seen.
5. Finish with moss for extra texture.