It’s controversial, it’s different, and it’s not necessarily for everyone, but the Stack and Tilt swing has a lot going for it, according to local PGA Pro Kregg Moyer, who teaches the method by appointment. “The movement pattern of Stack and Tilt is perfectly natural, which you can’t say about the traditional swing,” he explains.
The Stack and Tilt swing keeps your body centered over the ball throughout the shot, unlike the traditional swing which calls for a weight shift away from the ball during the backswing and forward during the downswing, hopefully finding the ball somewhere along the way. The biggest advantage of Stack and Tilt is your ability to hit the ball solidly — before your club digs into the turf.
The swing was introduced and refined a few years ago by Andy Plummer and Mike Bennett, who have worked with more than 20 PGA Tour pros, including Mike Weir, Aaron Baddeley, and Steve Elkington. Their book, The Stack and Tilt Swing, has clear, easy-to-understand explanations of the swing’s principles as well as hundreds of photos that show you how it’s done. Moyer can be reached for personal instruction
at 914-629-6122.