Nadia Manginelli
Age: 22
Lives in:
North White Plains
Has lived in Westchester for:
6 years
What she loves most about the county:
Everything you can think of is right near you—restaurants, shopping, train stations, parks. It makes for perfect access, without the overwhelming feeling of the city.
Has been competing in pageants: Since I was 17. My first pageant was a small, Italian one that represented my father’s home region—Puglia, Italy.
Favorite thing about wearing the crown: The little kids’ reaction to it: Their faces light up. If I can make someone smile, then I feel complete.
Why she thinks she won: My platform, which is the American Cancer Society. I lost both of my parents due to cancer when I was 16, and that is a society that is close to me and has given me hope and strength.
A lot of negative, tragic things occurred in my life and that of my family’s. But I believe everything happens for a reason, and we have the ability to turn negatives into positives. I like to think that the judges really saw that about me and chose me for these characteristics.
Plans for after giving up the crown: I think I’m going to retire from competing. I’d like to focus on my career, perhaps learn some architecture and business.