Looking for a jolt to my usual workout regimen, I tried the high-tech RealFitX Training System at Scarsdale’s Will2Lose Lifestyle Club. The program—promising fitness results at a faster and more efficient rate via technology—sounded perfect. Here’s a breakdown of the program.
The Basics: The proprietary system tracks and monitors users’ anatomy and physiology before, during, and after workouts. The club’s exercise specialists use the data to monitor clients’ progress (typically over the course of 15 weeks) and customize training approaches. Members using the plan get a full Tanita Scale printout during each phase of their training, which helps track health status and progress until they reach their desired goals. Metrics may be specific, like decreasing BMI by 5 to 10 percent, or broader, like achieving better sleep or increasing energy.
My Experience: First things first, I stepped onto a Tanita Scale, and, within seconds, the printer spat out a creepily detailed profile of my internal body composition—everything from BMI to fat-free mass percentage, metabolic age, daily caloric intake, and body water mass. After an assessment with a specialist and a discussion of my fitness history and goals, I was given a Polar GX heart-rate monitor to wear, and I made my way into the 9:15 am Functional Class. Flat-screen monitors throughout the workout area, which are hooked into the RealFitX System, projected each participant’s heart rate, workload, and calorie expenditure—which I checked (obsessively?) throughout my workout. A post-workout email detailing my results (calories burned, heart-rate zone chart, etc.) was waiting for me as soon as the class ended. While my test drive only lasted a day, I can see how the combo of real-time workout data and long-term progress tracking could serve as a powerful fitness motivator.