Westchester resident and top international equestrian Georgina Bloomberg—yes, her dad is the former mayor—is currently defending her victory from the inaugural $210,000 Central Park Grand Prix at the second annual Rolex Central Park Horse Show this September 23-27. The show jumping champion makes her primary home on her 50-acre Gotham North horse farm in North Salem.
One of the most anticipated equestrian events of the year, the show was sold out last year; also competing was another famous-last-name rider, Jessica Springsteen. The five-day event showcases multi-discipline equestrian sports and performances, ranging from Arabians and dressage to hunters and show jumping. The Grand Prix CSI 3 show jumping event in which Bloomberg is to defend her title takes place the evening of Friday, September 25 and will air on NBC Sports Network during prime time on Sunday, September 27.
Check out the “Neighbor” feature in Westchester Magazine’s November issue, on newsstands the end of October, for an inside look at Bloomberg’s low-key life in Westchester. For more info and tickets: www.centralparkhorseshow.com.