Hill and Bill’s moving into town in 1999 may have taught the world to correctly pronounce its tongue-twisty moniker, but the half-mile-square hamlet of Chappaqua has always been on the radar for those looking for a quiet, country-chic vibe, along with an outstanding public-school system. And its small shopping district offers a surprising number of fun-to-browse boutiques and mostly casual eateries for laid-back, affluent residents and in-the-know visitors. Count yourself among the latter, thanks to the custom itinerary of local faves here. Tired of seeking refuge from the weather in soulless indoor malls? Throw on some Uggs, wrap yourself in a cozy scarf, and discover firsthand the many charms of Chappaqua’s walkable little downtown this winter.
9:30 a.m.
Warm up with a café au lait and flaky chocolate croissant at the adored and très charmant French bistro Le Jardin du Roi (95 King St; 914.238.1368; www.lejardinchap paqua.com).
10 a.m.
Continue down the street and make a note of sherry b dessert studio (65 King St; 914.238.8300; www.sherryb.com), so you can stop by on your way home for some scrumptious homemade cookie-and-ice-cream sandwiches. Then, drop into Desires by Mikolay (55 King St; 914.238.2223; www.desiresbymikolay.com) to ooh and aah over its elegant designer and custom jewelry.
10:30 a.m.
Browse the selection of intriguing titles at charming Scattered Books (29 King St; 914.529.8013; www.scatteredbooks.com), which Prez Bill praised at a recent Manhattan fundraiser.
11 a.m.
Look through the lovely fine stationery and custom invitations at The King’s Scribe (1 King St; 914.861.2799; www.kingsscribe.com). Then pop into Breeze (1 King St; 914.238.1900; www.breezegifts.com) to pick up a thoughtful hostess gift for a friend — or a present for yourself.
11:30 a.m.
Retrace your steps and then make a right onto South Greeley. On the lefthand side, check out the latest women’s fashions at the aptly named Great Stuff (1 S Greeley Ave; 914.238.0057; www.greatstuffny.com).
Head down the street to House of 29 (39 S Greeley Ave; 914.861.2928; houseof29lifestyleboutique.tumblr.com) for trendy women’s fashions and accessories.
12:30 p.m.
Admire the designs at ICD Contemporary Jewelry (75 S Greeley Ave; 914.238.3646; www.icdjewelry.com), source of Hillary’s grandchild-photo charm bracelet.
1 p.m.
Stop next door for lunch — locally sourced, artificial ingredient-free salads, soups, flatbreads, and ice creams — at Local (75 S Greeley Ave; 914.238.0698; www.chappaqualocal.com)
Best of Chappaqua
Cool Kids Shop
77 S Greeley Ave
914.861.2710; www.hip-kid.com
Gourmet Take Out
Susan Lawrence
26 N Greeley Ave
212.509.8833; www.susanlawrence.com
Farm-to-Table Café
Chappaqua Station
1 Station Plz
914.861.8001; www.chappaquastation.com
Special Occasion Dining
Crabtree’s Kittle House
11 Kittle Rd
914.666.8044; www.kittlehouse.com
Deli & Clinton-Spotting Op
Lange’s Little Store
382 King St