Whether it’s recording a family story or savoring a walk on the beach, these six “could-dos” are here to help you zero in on fun yet important things this weekend. Read on for all six suggestions, which include just a couple of small tasks — like ordering glasses for the upcoming total solar eclipse!
Traditional Garden, original photo on Houzz |
1. Keep your garden fresh in the heat. If you live in an area with hot summers, it’s important to adjust your watering routines accordingly. Aim to water more deeply but less often, and water earlier in the morning or later in the day to avoid losing too much to evaporation before your plants have a chance to drink.
Related: Provide Water to Wildlife With a New Bird Bath
Poseidon Moving, original photo on Houzz |
2. Get settled after a move. If you moved into a new home this summer, chances are there are a few (OK, maybe more than a few) items still left on your to-do list. Block out some time this weekend to knock off a few niggling tasks, like hanging pictures or unpacking the last boxes. Then treat yourself to a scoop at the best ice-cream shop in your new neighborhood.
Related: Don’t Forget to Rate and Review Your Movers
Gathered, original photo on Houzz |
3. Record a few family stories. Visiting with family on a summer trip provides a great opportunity to preserve some of the stories of the older generation. Think up a few questions in advance, and come prepared to record audio or video with your phone or laptop. Of course, while most people will probably be thrilled you want to hear their stories, if a family member does not wish to be recorded, you can offer to simply take notes — and if they’re still not interested, drop it and move on to a more willing storyteller.
Tip: Bring along some old photographs as visual aids — looking at pictures together can lead to wonderful sharing of memories!
AGA & Fired Earth Danmark, original photo on Houzz |
4. Take a time-out to enjoy a favorite podcast or radio show. When you’re craving a good story but have household chores to attend to, turning on a well-crafted radio show or podcast (NPR’s podcast directory is a good place to start) lets you putter and listen at the same time. Make it a habit and you may even come to look forward to laundry day!
Margaret Wright Photography, original photo on Houzz |
5. Get ready for the eclipse. On Monday, August 21, a total solar eclipse will be visible in the continental United States. If you plan on viewing it, be sure to order your eclipse glasses now so they arrive in time for the big day. Visit nasa.gov for more safety guidelines and tips on how to avoid buying counterfeit glasses, and tell us about your eclipse party plans!
Related: Outdoor Rugs to Lay On and Watch the Eclipse
Fotograf Kim Fristedt Malmberg, original photo on Houzz |
6. Act like a tourist in your own town. Hanging around this weekend but wish you were somewhere else? Embrace the joys of where you live by pretending you’re a tourist for a few days. See what’s on exhibit at the local museum, seek out a cool indie theater or playhouse to catch a show or make a trip to the nearest lake or beach for a day by the water.