In case this wasn’t clear by the aisles upon aisles of displays that pop up every October, there are a lot of options for which candy to hand out this Halloween. But with great choice comes great responsibility. You don’t want to be known as the bad candy house on the block. So how do you decide which candy to give out?
With our help, that’s how. We’ll use the following poll to gather votes on which of the many brands is truly best. The options you see below were narrowed down (from more than 30 brand stocked by our local drugstore) by a staff poll (Yes, we are aware Milky Way did not make it—neither did Tootsie Rolls).
We will also separately poll two local elementary schools to see what the kids are into these days. That’s how committed we are to hard-hitting candy journalism. Check back next week for the full breakdown.
But for now, please fill out our simple (but surely difficult) one question poll: