When we saw “Milkshake and Fries” labeled on a pint of Coolhaus ice cream, a chorus of what? and really? made clear that we had to see what it was all about. Turns out the California-based ice cream sellers, who gained widespread appeal through their creatively crafted ice cream sandwiches, have a number of rather intriguing flavors (balsamic fig and mascarpone, anyone?) so we grabbed a few at some local retailers for, you know, “research.”
The most approachable of the group was Chocolate Love. It was a great start to our extensive testing. Rich and decadent, it’s clear this is some solid ice cream. Next up was their Farmer’s Market Strawberry Cheesecake, which consisted of mascarpone-and-cream-cheese ice cream, with a strawberry syrup and graham cheesecake bites. With this one, the strawberry swirl was very sweet, and a touch more graham cheesecake bites would have made this one a crowd favorite. Still, the pint was all gone in a matter of minutes, and a great choice if you love cheesecake.
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Ultimately, Midnight Munchies took the crown for group favorite. I mean, can you really go wrong with chocolate-covered pretzels and peanut butter cups in a vat of heavenly ice cream? No, you cannot go wrong with that. Only right. Very, very right.
As for Milkshake and Fries, we were glad we tried it. The salted vanilla bean ice cream was a great touch, and while the fries embedded in the ice cream was a cool idea, it was more of a novelty than a complement to the flavor.
Coolhaus has quite a number of interesting flavors in the works, including Street Cart Churro Dough on its way just in time for Cinco de Mayo. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can grab a pint at a number of Westchester locations, like Whole Foods, DeCicco Market, and Mrs. Greens.