Sure, we all love to eat local. This magazine has filled many a page writing about Fortina, The Cookery, X2O, Crabtree’s Kittle House, and the many other great locally owned restaurants we have here in the county. But only a total food snob would deny there is some merit to chain restaurants. They often act as beacons of comfort in unfamiliar places. While we strongly recommend people get out and support local business whenever they can, we know we all inevitably wind up at the occasional chain restaurant.
With that in mind, why not figure out which stops are best? In the spirit of NCAA March Madness, we have decided to launch a bracket of our own. We came up with a list of 32 chain restaurants (table service only) and pitted them against each other. Your votes decide who moves on to the next round. Each round will last three days, and the restaurants with the most votes move on.