Guess what, kids! It’s catarrh time, when your heads and chests are beginning to fill with seasonal cooties. Oh, you won’t see the end of these colds until June or so, so you might as well relax and enjoy all of your favorite sick foods. While I’m a sucker for Jolo’s nutritive kale and ginger juices (cures what ails you), and the boiling hot jook sometimes available at Kang Suh (scalds so good), I also love the hot and sour soup available at Thomas’ Coffee & Tea Shop at 579 Warburton Ave, Hastings-on-Hudson (914) 478-1574. This down-the-arcade, way-in-the-back little ladylike shop also does a tidy trade in Chinese comfort foods. The soup is steaming hot, loaded with tofu and wood-ear mushrooms, and packs just enough chili kick to shoo Mr. Catarrh away for 30 minutes. It is served with a decent baguette, too.