Laurie Hess
Veterinary Center for Birds & Exotics
Bedford Hills
(914) 864-1414
Practitioner: Avian & Exotic
Robert Moore
Bond Animal Hospital
White Plains
(914) 949-8860
Practitioner: Avian & Exotic
John Pisciotta
Rye Harrison
Veterinary Hospital
(914) 921-2000
Practitioner: Avian & Exotic
Jeremy Sabatini
Rye Harrison
Veterinary Hospital
(914) 921-2000
Avian & Exotic
Christopher Angiello
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills
(914) 241-7700
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Kristin Gerard
The Veterinary
Emergency Group
White Plains (914) 949-8779
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Sonja Ghersini
The Veterinary
Emergency Group
White Plains (914) 949-8779
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Benjamin Nappa
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Emergency & Critical Care
Elizabeth Kilgallon
Miller & Associates
North Salem (914) 276-1260
Large Animal Surgery
Leilani Alvarez
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Integrative / Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Paul I. Amerling
Miller Clark Animal Hospital
Mamaroneck (914) 698-1756
General Practitioner
Renee Bayha
Pound Ridge
Veterinary Center
Pound Ridge (914) 764-4644
General Practitioner
Zsach Ben-Adi
Central Animal Hospital Scarsdale (914) 723-1250
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Jason Berg
Animal Specialty Center
Yonkers (914) 457-4000
Internal Medicine: Neurology/Radiology
Philip J. Bergman
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Internal Medicine: Oncology
Leonard Berk
Cortlandt Animal Hospital Cortlandt Manor
(914) 737-3608
General Practitioner
William V. Bitetto
Pelham (914) 738-9381
Surgical Consultant,
Orthopedic Surgery
Jennifer Bonczynski
Yonkers (914) 457-4000 Animal Specialty Center
Terri Bonenberger
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Jeanne Budgin
Animal Specialty Center Yonkers (914) 457-4000
Alexis Cistola
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Internal Medicine: Small Animal
Amy Coppola
Bedford Greenwich
Animal Hospital
Bedford (914) 234-3444
General Practitioner
Martin DeAngelis
Village Animal Clinic
Ardsley (914) 693-2626
Susan Ettinger
Animal Specialty Center Yonkers (914) 457-4000
Internal Medicine: Oncology
Ronald J. Gardner
North Regent Animal Clinic
Port Chester (914) 937-2200
Internal Medicine: Small Animal
Brian J. Green
Sleepy Hollow
Animal Hospital
Sleepy Hollow
(914) 631-0606
General Practitioner
Cheryl Gross
Central Animal Hospital
Scarsdale (914) 723-1250
General Practitioner
Robert Hart
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Michael G. Henes
Croton Animal Hospital Croton-on-Hudson
(914) 271-6222
General Practitioner
Kerry Heuter
Animal Specialty Center
Yonkers (914) 457-4000
Internal Medicine/Radiology
Daniel Hochman
Bedford Greenwich
Animal Hospital
Bedford (914) 234-3444
Internal Medicine
Patrick E. Hopper
Wave Diagnostics
Pelham (914) 738-8100
Internal Medicine
Bruce Hoskins
Croton Animal Hospital
(914) 271-6222
General Practitioner
Richard Jakimer
Manor Veterinary Clinic Pelham (914) 738-6262
Internal Medicine
Richard Joseph
Animal Specialty Center
Yonkers (914) 457-4000
Internal Medicine: Neurology/ Acupuncture
Laurel Kaddatz
Pound Ridge Veterinary Center
Pound Ridge (914) 764-4644
General Practitioner
Steven Kasanofsky
Yorktown Animal Hospital
Yorktown Heights (914) 962-3111
Paul Klainbard
Hudson Veterinary Hospital
Ossining (914) 762-0063
General Practitioner
Ellen Lindell
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Elise Lovisa
Village Animal Clinic
Ardsley (914) 693-2626
General Practitioner
Eve Martin
Bond Animal Hospital
White Plains (914) 949-8860
Small Animal
Geoffrey I. McKenzie
Bond Animal Hospital
White Plains (914) 949-8860
Small Animal
Anthony Meglino
Tuckahoe Animal
Hospital & Pet Center
Tuckahoe (914) 395-1500
General Practitioner
Cory Mosunic Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills (914) 241-7700
Jean-Paul Petrie
Katonah Bedford
Veterinary Center
Bedford Hills
(914) 241-7700
Internal Medicine: Cardiology
Phillip Raclyn
Yorktown Animal Hospital
Yorktown Heights (914) 962-3111
Paul Raiti
Beverlie Animal Hospital
Mount Vernon
(914) 664-2784
Reptile & Amphibian Practictioner
Mimi Raleigh
Mount Kisco Veterinary Clinic Mount Kisco
(914) 241-3337
Internal Medicine: Oncology
Martin Randell
Somers Animal Hospital
Somers (914) 277-3686
Internal Medicine
Andrew Rappaport
Bedford Greenwich
Animal Hospital
Bedford (914) 234-3444
Surgery & Small Animal
Peter Romano
Rye Harrison Veterinary Hospital
Rye (914) 921-2000
General Practitioner
Nina Shoulberg
Yonkers (914) 779-5000
Lester B. Sills
Central Animal Hospital
Scarsdale (914) 723-1250
Practitioner: Avian/Canine/ Feline
Jeffrey Stuppler
Westchester Veterinary Group Mohegan Lake (914) 528-5000
General Practitioner
Thoulton Surgeon
Animal Specialty Center
Yonkers (914) 457-4000
Aura Truslow
Central Animal Hospital Scarsdale (914) 723-1250
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Jeremy Tubbs
Central Animal Hospital
Scarsdale (914) 723-1250
General Practitioner
Timothy Walker
Somers Animal Hospital Somers (914) 277-3686
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Mary Wallace Cortlandt Animal Hospital
Cortlandt Manor (914) 737-3608
Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Lisa Walling
Larchmont Animal Hospital
(914) 834-0199
General Practitioner
Wendy Westrom
Cortlandt Animal Hospital
Cortlandt Manor
(914) 737-3608
Internal Medicine: Small Animal
Michael Woltz
Central Animal Hospital
(914) 723-1250 Practitioner: Canine & Feline
Is There an Animal Doctor in the House?
From physical therapy to brain surgery, a Yonkers-based animal hospital delivers first-rate treatments for your sick pets.
Imagine a hospital with equipment and services so state-of-the-art, they almost sound sci-fi: operating rooms for brain surgery, stem-cell therapy programs, underwater treadmills, the “CyberKnife.” We bet you didn’t picture a hospital full of cats and dogs—but that’s exactly what it’s like at the Animal Specialty Center in Yonkers.
The veterinary hospital boasts an astounding 16,000 square feet (by comparison, the new emergency department at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center is 18,000 square feet) and is up and running around the clock for emergency, outpatient, and inpatient services. The hospital is staffed with 22 board-certified, emergency veterinarians and specialists including neurologists and oncologists. “We have on staff one of the few veterinary surgeons in the world who does brain surgery on pets,” says spokesperson Joan Quinn. “And we have a new surgeon who is one of the few in the country who does minimally invasive fracture repairs.”
The center’s human resources are almost overshadowed by its array of technology. The center maintains advanced diagnostic equipment, including an MRI and CT scanner. (Yes, CT scans for cats.) Its physical rehabilitation department—staffed with a bona-fide veterinary physical therapist (see page 76)—helps pets recover from surgery and traumatic injuries with PT equipment ranging from underwater treadmills to balance boards. And its oncology department boasts a CyberKnife to perform radio surgery on cancerous tumors—as well as stem-cell therapy for selected patients. “We are the only medical center in the entire world with a cyber knife for animals,” says Quinn. “It allows us to treat certain types of tumors non-invasively, by targeting the tumors with radiation to shrink or destroy them. In many cases, the results are successful.”
The Animal Specialty Center averages more than 15,000 visits annually. For more info, visit its website, animalspecialtycenter.com.
—Robert Schork
This list is excerpted from the inaugural topVets list, a peer review survey company. How was it gathered? topVets, based in Augusta, Georgia, asked hundreds of veterinarians to name their peers who stand out, taking into consideration years of experience, continuing education, manner with animals, use of new techniques and technologies, and, of course, physical results. Then it tallied the submissions. There are fine veterinarians who are not on this list. A vet’s inclusion on this list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow veterinarians. Still, it’s a good starting point for finding a doctor for your pet.
For more information, call (706) 631-4816, email info@usatopvets.com, or visit usatopvets.com.
topVets has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.