Ten Lords a Leapin”

Big sigh. Another big sigh.

The holidays are finally over. The frenzied rushing around is done. All is calm.

NOT! I have two, tiny kids pent up inside my house with enough energy to power Seattle for several hours a day. Oh. My. God.

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Santa did his best. He brought all sorts of art projects to keep Maisie busy. Rubber stamps took up ten minutes. Glitter glue pens lasted another ten. If you count Mommy’s clean-up time, finger paints took almost a whole hour. Baking cookies is out because the last thing my whirling dervish needs is more sugar. Baking bread is out because the last thing Mommy needs is more carbs.


The answer is getting out. Call a friend and beg for a play date. Let those little tykes wear each other out. Neither of you want your house trashed? Have I got the place for you?!

Leapin’ Lizards in Port Chester is just the ticket for kids with energy to burn. It’s in the Kohl’s shopping center and, from the outside, it doesn’t look like much. But remember: looks can be deceiving. Leapin’ Lizards is a massive room, half of which is occupied by a huge climbing structure. There are tubes and slides and nets and ballpits and, well, gosh, it’s just a huge, ol’ maze—perfect to keep your kid moving. There’s also a video arcade area for older kids and an easy maze for little ones around one or so. The place is great for kids up to about twelve.

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Maisie went with her best friend, Bradley, and both of them had a ball. They ran around like chickens with their heads cut off for several hours. My little not-so-delicate flower was literally sweating when I finally got her to take a break and eat something at the cafe. I was actually surprised that the cafe had decent food and wasn’t just one of those junk-food-only places.

Bradley is a little older and all boy. He loved the place, but stayed close enough to his mom that she didn’t worry too much. She always knew where he was. Maisie? She kept climbing in places where I couldn’t reach her or even see her at times. I was too old and too big to follow her around and keep a real eye on her, the only thing I didn’t like about the place. At one point, she got herself in a spot and couldn’t figure out how to get out. I had to ask an older kid to go get her and lead her out of the maze for me. Luckily, the older girl seemed thrilled that she was asked to do so, but I wasn’t too happy.

There’s also a private room for parties and, my guess is that your kid would be a big super star if you booked a birthday party here.

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General admission is $12, but it’s a buck cheaper for kids under 5 before 3PM on weekdays. The day we went was a no-school day. Holy cow. The place was really packed. Even so, we still had a super time—evidenced by the tantrum Maisie threw as we got our coats to leave. Ain’t being two grand?

A personal note: Today marks the tenth anniversary of my mother’s death. I’m sorry my children will never know her. I’m sorry, too, that I never got to tell her I understand all she went through being a mom. I get it now. It’s hard work and she was great at it. I miss her so. I really, really do.

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