During life’s most difficult moments, whether it’s related to one’s job, health, or the loss of a loved one, finding the right words or gifts to comfort can be more than a challenge. After their mom passed away suddenly from cancer in 2012, sisters Beth Turner and Katie McCorry realized there was a gap in the market of supportive gifts.
“In the days and weeks that followed [our mom’s passing], we were overwhelmed by the amount of fruit baskets and catered foods, flowers, and plants that were being sent to us. They were so generous, and we were so grateful for the support and the gesture, but I think the reality is that the food went uneaten, and the flowers died, and then we felt bad all over,” explains Turner.
In January 2019, the two launched an e-commerce business called Beyond Flowers and Food in the basement of Turner’s Dobbs Ferry home to help Westchesterites and others comfort loved ones with thoughtful gifts. Curated baskets, like the “Send to a Cancer Warrior” or “Send to a Bath Lover,” include tumblers, lip balm, soft socks, and fleece throws.
They are each carefully packaged with a personalized card from the sender to “make the recipient feel special,” shares McCorry. The business offers packages at various price points, from $25 to $85, to ensure all have the ability to send a unique and considerate gift to someone in need.