As of 2022, Westchester County had a population of approximately 990,427 Compared to the 2010 Census, where the population was around 949,113, this represents a modest increase of about 4.2% over the 12-year period.
According to data from 2023, Westchester has a total of 49,779 businesses. The leading industries in the county? Heath care and social services, education, retail, and professional, scientific, and technical services.
$7.25 an hour was the minimum wage in Westchester in 2010. It’s now $16 an hour, with legislation in play to increase it on a tiered basis every year.
Since 2010, approximately 36,500 patents have been granted in Westchester. The largest number was in July of 2019—with 460 patents—and the least was in January of 2024 with 16.
The average home sale price in Westchester in 2010 was approximately $500,000. This was during a period of recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, so home prices had seen a sizable drop from their pre-crisis peaks but were beginning to stabilize. Since then, the real estate market has seen significant shifts, dealing with inventory issues, people moving to Westchester in droves, and new high-rise developments. The result: Today’s median sale price has jumped to roughly $791,833.